September 2019

... and that makes FIVE! Sing With Me has just won it's fifth award, a gold award from Parents' Choice Foundation. Parents' Choice had this to say about the album "[Tracy] Newman’s supple folk soprano, a cadre of child singers, and top-notch musicians reflect the series’ stated mission to 'celebrate an unhurried childhood,' making every track a gentle treat." Read the full review here:

Sing With Me wins another award! This time from National Parenting Product Awards - NAPPA 🙌🎉🎶 “Music can ignite imagination in profound ways, especially for young children,” says NAPPA Awards Director Elena Epstein. “That’s why we love Tracy Newman’s latest collection of whimsical tunes – vibrant, fun and perfect for the whole family to enjoy.” Check out the full review here:…/sing-with-me-by-tracy-newman/ #NAPPAAwards #NAPPAWinner #PlayLearnConnect

Team RAH and Tracy Newman are celebrating! Run Along Home has been named among the best in family-friendly media, products and services by the Mom's Choice Awards®. As a prestigious Gold Recipient, we can announce that not one, not two, but all three RAH albums are award winners!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Grab your copies of Sing With Me, Shoebox Town and I Can Swing Forever over at the RAH Store: